Gun Creek Griffons
2370 Carroll Lane
Escondido California


Owner: Carroll Kemp (Seaview Sporting Dogs)
Information from Lambo’s owner indicates that his immediate ancestors are the winningest Griffons in France over the last several years. In addition to the quick summary below, Big Boss (Hugo Boss’s sire) won the Poule Korthals and was French Dog of the Year in 2011. He is probably the most important stud dog over there immediately preceding Alix. Lana is Lambo’s littermate. She was pick female (and was kept by Fleur’s owners). Lambo was pick male.
Lambo achieved a NAVHDA Natural Ability score of 96; Prize III.
French National Show Results:
2012 - Fleur (Lambo’s mom) was the top female. Her littermate, Fripon, went Reserve male.
2013 - Hugo Boss (Lambo’s dad) won it. Fripon again went Reserve male.
2014 - Flash won it. Flash is Fleur and Fripon’s littermate.
2015 - Izard des Battures won it. Izard is Fripon’s pup.
2016 - Izard won it again.
NOTE - Alix (sire of Fleur, Flash, Fripon) won top stud dog either two or three times during this same period.
French Working Dog Results:
2011 - Big Boss was ranked #2 in over all points.
2012 - Fripon was ranked #34 in over all points. Fleur was #98 and Flash weren't yet being campaigned.
2013 - Flash was ranked #20 in over all points. Fripon was #47 and Fleur #94.
2014 - Flash was ranked #4 in over all points. Fleur was #20. Hugo Boss was #47.
2015 - Flash was ranked #3 (from memory. Hugo Boss is also very high up but I don’t have the book at my office.) Fleur and Fripon were not campaigned.